Everyone struggles with painful low points at times. If you feel like your mental health is at a breaking point, take some time to recalibrate and apply some of these suggestions to get your life back on track.

Get on a Clean Diet
If you’re in the habit of consuming low-nutrition, high-calorie food, it can have a deleterious effect on your mental health. More and more studies are showing a greater connection between brain activity and gut health. Simple steps like replacing sugary drinks with water and adding some green, leafy vegetables to meals can improve mood.
Call for Help
Find a listening ear from a friend or family member. If you can’t think of anyone, a simple online search for helplines will lead you to sympathetic volunteers who will patiently talk to you and help you find groups and programs that offer further support. For instance, if life’s troubles have already pushed you into the grip of addiction, turn to qualified professionals who can help you recover. Guidance from an alcohol rehab center Austin TX or other support groups can be just what is needed to help you gain victory in your fight for happiness.
Use a Scheduling App
Much of the stress that people experience comes from the feeling that they’re drowning in too much to do. Taking 15 minutes in the evening to plan out your next day and week can work wonders by providing a sense of stability and control to your life.
Strive To Improve Your Sleep Routine
After getting an accurate picture of your personal agenda, resist the temptation to burn the candle at both ends. Don’t add more to your workload than you can realistically handle. Set a priority on being in bed away from electronic distractions consistently every night to maintain good sleep hygiene.
As yet, there is no cure for depression, but taking simple daily steps like these can help you persevere through trying times.