The use of Cannabis is quite controversial, in some countries Cannabis or Marijuana is an illegal substance and is included in illegal drugs. Even so, research proves marijuana has health benefits like best Delta 8 THC flower. Let’s find out more, about the medicinal benefits of marijuana in the following review.

Health benefits of Cannabis
The use of medical marijuana in some countries, such as the United States, is generally for pain control. However, marijuana is not effective enough for severe pain (for example, postoperative pain or fractures).
According to Peter Grinspoon, a doctor, educator, and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, marijuana is at least safer than opium. Grinspoon also mentions controlled marijuana use is non-overdose, non-addictive, and can replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
In addition, there are a number of other cannabis benefits based on research findings so far.
Prevent glaucoma
This one plant has the potential to treat and prevent the eye from glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that increases pressure on the eyeball, damages the optic nerve, and causes a person to lose vision.
According to research conducted by the National Eye Institute, marijuana may be able to lower intraocular pressure (IOP), aka eye pressure, in people with normal pressure and glaucoma. This effect is able to slow the progression of glaucoma disease while preventing blindness.
Increase lung capacity
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2012) stated that marijuana leaves have the potential to increase the capacity of the lungs to hold air when breathing.
This is related to the way marijuana is used which is usually smoked deeply. Therefore, the researchers concluded it may be some kind of exercise to improve lung function.
In the study, the researchers sampled 5,115 young adults over the age of 20. Participants who smoked tobacco lost their lung function over time, but marijuana users showed increased lung capacity.
Prevent seizures due to epilepsy
A study in the journal Cureus (2018) shows that marijuana has the potential to treat epilepsy and help relieve symptoms of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.
The content of cannabinoids in marijuana leaves is believed to help relieve seizures in people with epilepsy. This compound has a role in reducing the release of neurotransmitters (nerve excitatory signals) in the central nervous system (CNS), thereby preventing seizures.
Palliative therapy for cancer patients
The content in marijuana leaves according to the American Cancer Society may be able to help improve the quality of life of cancer sufferers. Marijuana has the potential as palliative therapy or adjuvant treatment to relieve chronic pain experienced by cancer patients.
In addition, marijuana leaves are claimed to help fight nausea and vomiting as a side effect of chemotherapy. Despite numerous studies showing its safety, this plant is not effective in controlling or curing cancer.
Reduce chronic pain
Reporting from Harvard Health Publishing, this plant can be considered to relieve pain because:
multiple sclerosis,
neurological disease,
HIV related wasting syndrome,
irritable bowel syndrome, and
Crohn's disease.
The use of medical marijuana is also known to be quite potential to treat diseases that cause chronic pain conditions such as the following.
Fibromyalgia or sensitivity accompanied by pain throughout the body.
Endometriosis, or the tissue that lines the uterus, builds up outside the uterus.
Interstitial cystitis or bladder pain syndrome.
Marijuana is also considered an effective muscle relaxant and reduces tremors in Parkinson’s disease.