Different types of detox regimens, therapies, and diets – sometimes called cleanses or detoxification – have been suggested as ways to take out toxins from people’s bodies, promote health, or lose weight. Detox programs may involve different approaches or a single process. These include:
Cleansing the lower intestinal tract with laxatives, colon hydrotherapy, or enemas
Using dietary supplements and other commercial products
Drinking juices and similar beverages
Eating only particular types of foods
Minimizing environmental exposures
Using saunas
Using herbs
These treatment programs may be offered at health clinics, advertised commercially, or can be part of a Naturopathic treatment program. Some detoxification plans can be falsely advertised or unsafe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chelation therapy, a kind of chemical detox procedure for removing toxic metals from our body in serious cases, is one of the best treatment methods available on the market today. …