Evidently, so many cannabis users have embraced this strategy before their dental appointments that the American Dental Association (ADA) is speaking out, suggesting patients refrain from cannabis use before their visits. Additionally, a recent survey found that more than half of dentists (52%) reported patients arriving to appointments high on cannabis or another drug.
The findings were uncovered in two surveys: One surveyed 557 dentists; the second was a nationally representative survey of 1,006 consumers. Each survey was conducted as part of trend research by the ADA, which suggests the trend is due to increasing recreational and medicinal cannabis use across the nation.
As dentists talk through patients’ health histories, Dr. Tricia Quartey, a New York dentist and ADA spokesperson, said that more have disclosed their use of cannabis since it became legal.
“Unfortunately, sometimes having marijuana in your system results in needing an additional visit,” Dr. Quartey said in