As family members get older, you may notice changes that suggest that they could use some assistance. Keep in mind that home health agencies Bethesda MD can start a relationship with a client by only doing a few tasks, and then increase their responsibilities over time. Getting help does not mean that your loved one will lose all of his or her independence.

Changes in Behavior and Appearance
If your loved one has lost or gained weight, or wears the same unwashed clothes several days in a row, they may be having cognitive problems or depression. Older people can become isolated as their decreased mobility confines them to their homes. Visits from home health agencies, churches, and friends can help relieve loneliness.
Increases in Accidents and Near-Misses
Driving becomes dangerous as reflexes slow and vision becomes poorer. If you notice dents in the car and traffic tickets, it’s time to talk to your elderly family member about giving up driving. Research alternative senior transportation options in your area.
You may also notice that your family member forgets to turn off the stove, or mixes up medication bottles. Those are signs that your family member would benefit from home health assistance.
Difficulties Managing Affairs
Your loved one may be allowing bills to pile up, unpaid. When you see the stack of unopened mail, it suggests that it’s time to step in and start managing an elderly person’s financial affairs.
Elderly individuals also have more difficulty managing the complex tasks of maintaining a home. It is often important to an older person to remain at home in familiar surroundings. However, family members need to take over the chores of cleaning, grass cutting, and contacting contractors for major maintenance tasks.
Health care decisions become challenging as people age. When doctors present multiple treatment options or discuss a diagnosis, it is helpful for a caregiver to be present at the appointment to take notes and ask questions. The patient may need the information repeated at a later time.