At least once in their lives, people worldwide experience the problematic skin condition, scientifically called acne vulgaris, commonly known in layman’s terms to everyone else as simply acne. Whether you call it acne vulgaris or simply acne, having it can be an annoying and sometimes painful experience. However, with the advice provided in this article, acne vulgaris can be treated.
If you are interested in having clear skin, consider watching your consumption of dairy and animal products. Many vegans have spectacularly clear skin, seeming to glow from within. Others who struggle with acne have found success when they refrain from dairy. So try cutting back on the dairy, eggs, and meat, and see if your skin doesn’t improve.
If you wear make-up or a cleanser that is oil based, stop using it! These oil based products are horrible for acne.
Since your body already produces oils naturally, adding more oils to your skin will only serve to increase your chances of developing acne problems. Instead, look for oil free products.
To prevent acne breakup make sure you are healthy. Many times acne can be caused by some kind of emotional or physical stress. The stress can cause breakouts or flare-ups of varying severity. One way to rid yourself of this kind of acne is by avoiding or reducing stress. Try things like meditating, exercising or just relaxing when things get stressful.
Keep yourself hydrated to help with acne breakouts. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to maintain clear skin. Water flushes out the toxins in your body, which also includes your skin. Not only will your skin be free from acne-causing toxins, but it will be able to retain the correct amount of moisture, to give it a healthier glow.
When trying to reduce acne breakouts, consider how much stress you are under.
Stress has been shown to increase your cortisol levels, and too much cortisol will clog pores and lead to breakouts. If you can’t change too much about your stress levels, at least take time each day with meditation or a warm bath to calm down.
Makeup can be an important factor in controlling acne. All makeup products should be washed off at the end of the day before bedtime. This will definitely, prevent the pores from being clogged due to impurities in the makeup. You might also want to try water based makeup instead of oil based. If you are experiencing a breakout and wish to wear makeup, use only a limited amount or abstain from wearing it all together.
One of the best ways to deal with acne is to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist can specifically tell you ways to deal with acne that is affecting your skin without causing any further problems down the road. The dermatologist may also be able to prescribe special topical medications or antibiotics that can eliminate acne.
You can stop acne from developing, by taking some hydrogen peroxide and applying it liberally over the red and bumpy area.
The red bumpy area is the infected pore, that has swollen over an excessive amount of dirt. The peroxide will help dry out the pores and reduce the redness.
Wash your face whenever you come in from outside to make sure your skin stays clear of dirt and bacteria. There are millions of tiny particles floating around in the air that land on your skin throughout the day; the bacteria/dirt from these particles will remain on your face and clog your pores, leading to blemishes, unless you wash them off when you come home.
Acne skin care can be frustrating, if you do not know why you are getting the blemishes. Start with an allergen free facial cleanser that is made for sensitive skin. Often time all you need to do is a penetrating scrub to help remove the excess dirt and oil.
In addition to other dietary changes you can make to target acne, consider reducing your red meat intake.
Red meat is often cultivated with growth hormones. These hormones, when ingested, can disrupt your body’s natural physiologic balance. This causes problems with your immune system and strips your skin of its natural defenses.
An important tip to consider regarding acne is understanding exactly what it is and what causes it. This is important for prevention and for your own mental health, because acne is only partially due to your daily hygiene. Acne is caused when your oil glands become clogged. In addition to having dirty skin, having skin cells that shed in an uneven fashion can also cause acne.
As stated before, acne vulgaris affects people worldwide at least once in their lifetime. Though it may not be a pleasant experience, it can be treated, provided that you use the advice found in this article. Once you know how to treat it, you’ll never have to live with acne again.