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3 Anti-Aging Facial Treatments You Should Consider

Ageing skin - Skinglow Clinic

If you’ve been thinking about incorporating some anti-aging facial treatments into your skincare regimen, you may be wondering where to start. Since collagen can start to break down as early as age 20, it’s never too soon to start preventative care or proactive treatments. Some procedures can seem scary, but they don’t have to be! There are a few tried-and-true ways you can start getting a youthful, radiant glow today. Check them out below.

1. Facial Rejuvenation

If you have specific facial concerns, you can get cosmetic treatments known as facial rejuvenation. These procedures can be surgical or non-surgical, and can target your brows, chin, neck or any other areas you may want to focus on improving. Compared to other common treatments like injections, facial rejuvenation lasts for several years. The best part is, it’s more accessible than you might think – for instance, you can easily get facial Read more


Pediatric association against allowing medical pot

The use of medical marijuana by students, the subject of a study waiting for Gov. Charlie Baker’s signature, is not being backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“The AAP opposes medical marijuana outside the regulatory process of the US Food and Drug Administration,” an academy spokesperson told the Herald Tuesday.

The state Legislature sent the governor a host of changes to the state’s weed laws Monday, including a proposal to study giving students access to medical marijuana during the school day, as the Herald first reported.

“The cannabis control commission, in consultation with the department of elementary and secondary education and the department of public health, shall conduct a study on the possession, administration and consumption of medical marijuana, as defined in chapter 94I, at public or private schools in the commonwealth as it relates to students,” the proposed law reads.

The association of children’s doctors says that so

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Medical Cannabis Donations From Within the Industry Help Reduce Opioid Use

The recent California state law provides a legal pathway for licensed cannabis operators to donate excess and expiring products at no cost to eligible patients.

From the onset of this new legislation, one of the longest-standing chapters of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Los Angeles NORML, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, began working alongside the Veterans Cannabis Coalition to affect change through SB-34. Los Angeles NORML Executive Director, Ian Rassman, and Veterans Cannabis Coalition CEO and Founder, Eric Goepel, made it their organization’s mission to focus on developing programs surrounding this unique legislation.

Their program is based on a model developed by Goepel and Shelly McKay, the Co-Founder of Kannabis Works where the program was pioneered. She launched the first day the new SB-34 legislation came into effect on March 1st, 2020. Kannabis Works has maintained a consistent monthly donation since that time. They have become

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General Articles

Smart Steps to Meet Nutrients Needed by Parents

Nutrition Guide for the Aging and Elderly

1. Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that the body needs in the process of forming red blood cells. Vitamin B12 can be found in foods that contain animal protein such as eggs or meat. Vitamin B12 is also found in supplements and fortified cereals, so that it can be absorbed quickly by the body. From the age of 50, you should start eating fortified cereals.

2. Potassium:

The risk of increasing pressure will increase with age. As a preventive measure from the risk of stroke and heart attack caused by increased blood pressure, the consumption of sodium must be limited and increase potassium intake.

The majority of hypertension drugs have a working system to increase urine output. Excessive urine output can cause decreased levels of sodium and potassium in the body. Both are important for the body but potassium is more needed than sodium. As a solution to … Read more

General Articles

Helpful Tips for Successful Weight Loss

There are many diet plans for weight loss; however, many of them can often leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. Many people struggle to stick to a weight loss plan for these reasons. One of the most proven diets for successful weight loss is a low-carb diet. Low-carb diets are extremely effective at shedding weight quickly and are often easier to follow than other weight loss options. Sticking to a low-carb diet will boost your metabolism and improve your overall health. Resources, such as first fitness xanolean supreme offer great tips for weight loss. 

The Importance of Cutting Back on Carbs

Carbs are one of the biggest culprits of fat excess. Carbs create a negative feedback cycle: the more you eat them the more you crave them. When you cut back on sugars and starches, the two forms of carbs, your hunger level will naturally go down. Most people who … Read more

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