Smart Steps to Meet Nutrients Needed by Parents

1. Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that the body needs in the process of forming red blood cells. Vitamin B12 can be found in foods that contain animal protein such as eggs or meat. Vitamin B12 is also found in supplements and fortified cereals, so that it can be absorbed quickly by the body. From the age of 50, you should start eating fortified cereals.
2. Potassium:
The risk of increasing pressure will increase with age. As a preventive measure from the risk of stroke and heart attack caused by increased blood pressure, the consumption of sodium must be limited and increase potassium intake.
The majority of hypertension drugs have a working system to increase urine output. Excessive urine output can cause decreased levels of sodium and potassium in the body. Both are important for the body but potassium is more needed than sodium. As a solution to meet the needs of potassium, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in potassium such as: bananas, broccoli and potatoes.
3. Manage Calorie Intake:
With increasing age, the metabolic system in the body will slow down, which has an effect on burning calories. For this reason, calorie intake must be adjusted. This also relates to the pattern of parental activity which is limited or no longer active.
Slowing body metabolism followed by increasingly limited physical activity will cause excess calories and can increase heart disease, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes and other diseases.
4. Using Healthy Spices:
The more twilight of human life, saliva and the strength of the sense of taste decreases, thereby reducing appetite. For this reason it is recommended to add other herbs which are free of sodium. Avoid cooked foods that are too cooked because they will eliminate the taste.
Pepper or spices can be an option to strengthen the taste. If it is felt that the spice intake is too excessive, you can reduce the bad effects of the spice by drinking plenty of water and milk.
5. Water Consumption:
Stimulation of thirst will decrease with age. The use of drugs such as antihistamines and blood pressure can make you feel dehydrated. For that, users of this type of medication must drink more water to meet the needs of fluids in the body.
Dehydration is a major factor causing death in the elderly. The Institute of Medicine states that women must drink 2.2 liters or 9 glasses of water a day and men must drink 3 liters or 13 glasses of water a day. Reduce consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol.
6. Calcium:
Bone health is also a matter that needs attention in the elderly. Consuming Calcium will strengthen bones so that they are not porous.
Older people need more calcium because the level of lactose in the body decreases. Adults need 1,000 mg of calcium per day and should be increased to 1,200 mg for women over the age of 50 years and men over the age of 70 years.
7. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D works to absorb calcium. Indonesia is blessed with abundant sunlight which activates Vitamin D in the blood. Foods that are fortified with vitamin D can also help meet the body’s needs. Vitamin D is low in fat fat milk.
8. Lutein:
Many normal functions of the body’s organs diminish as age enters the twilight threshold, including visual organs. As prevention from farsightedness or cataracts, lutein intake needs to be increased in middle age.
Beta-carotene and vitamin A nutrients can help improve cognitive abilities. Lutein can be obtained from leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, fruits such as grapes and oranges and egg yolks.